Friday 15 February 2013

Family, Food & Fun

Baking a cake for my beloved son, Naren. His birthday is on the 3rd of February but we are celebrating on the 11th of February. He also scored straight A's for his UPSR last year. It's kinda double celebration. My son loves to read Mystical Story books and reads a lot! Never goes to bed without reading! Therefore decided to bake him a cake in the design of a book. 

Its his 13th birthday and its a poolside party. Theme: red and black his favourite colours. His sisters are going to throw him a splashing party.

Me, I'm left with baking. I have baked many cakes, cupcakes and all but this is the first time I'm going to design a 2 tier book cake. The picture above is from the internet. I'm supposed to come up with a book cover of one of his book. I think I'm just going to colour photostat and paste the book cover on the cake. Emm smart isn't it!!

Will let u see d cake when its done.........

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